2024 Winter Cycling Congress

The chillest winter cycling conference on the planet.

Winter Cycling Federation presents the Winter Cycling Congress

The WCF and Explore Edmonton worked with a local organizing committee including representatives from Ever Active Schools, Winter City Edmonton, City of Edmonton, Martinson Golly Ltd., Dentons Canada LLP, Bike Edmonton, University of Alberta’s Sircle Lab, Stantec, Paths for People, and Toole Design to plan and execute an unforgettable multi-day event filled with informative sessions, bicycle excursions, and a community of passionate winter cyclists.

Welcoming Winter Cyclists

From February 22-24, Explore Edmonton welcomed over 220 delegates and their bikes to the 2024 WCC. The conference’s organizing theme, A Bridge to a Healthy Future, engaged audiences and educated them about winter cycling’s benefits and its role in shaping healthy communities. Over three days, delegates discovered new possibilities while exploring Edmonton on bikes, connecting with fellow enthusiasts, and learning from experts in the field!

Learning, Connecting, & Engaging

Engagement and participation flourished throughout the conference. Indoor and outdoor sessions were packed with registered delegates and ‘walk-ups,’ and focused on three main themes: Champion It, Maintain It, and Design It. Dynamic speakers captured the attention of their audiences, including a panel led by Youtubers About Here and Oh the Urbanity! and podcasters from The War on Cars.

Building Community

The fun kept going outside of the sessions. Free community events encouraged delegates and cycle-enthusiasts from the public to join the WCC activities.

Friday morning, Coffee Outside invited WCC delegates and Edmontonians out for coffee and a chat. The group had anticipated 40 attendees but ended up packing Louise McKinney Park with over 150 people.

Other community events continued to bring people out and were popular with both delegates and residents. These events included: the Garneau School Bike Bus, Telling the Story of Your City panel, Urban Systems’ Trivia Night at Fu’s Repair Shop, The War on Cars podcast live-show featuring former Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson, and a bike ride through the River Valley led by Alex Stieda. The City of Edmonton and Edmonton City Council also added to the party, embarking on bike rides and leading walks with delegates throughout the three days.

How Explore Edmonton Helped

With the guidance of Explore Edmonton’s Sustainability team, the 2024 WCC was a fully Carbon Neutral event. By providing recommendations to reduce preventable carbon emissions and investing in clean energy projects to offset unavoidable carbon emissions, Explore Edmonton equipped the WCC with the data needed to continue to improve their environmental impact.

In total, Explore Edmonton offset 114 tons of carbon, which is even more than the 113.2 tons of carbon produced during the conference. Carbon offsetting ensured delegates could attend the WCC knowing that they were operating in an environmentally responsible way and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

The [Winter Cycling Congress] has sparked some good conversation with Trustees about how we can further support active school travel in all seasons.
Julie Kusiek Edmonton Public School Board Chair, Ward F Trustee

Explore Edmonton is proud to work with organizations, like the WCF, who advocate for equality, accessibility, and sustainability. Our city’s winter cycling community continues to grow, and we take pride in hosting events that make a difference. We are passionate about sustainability and always interested in planning carbon-neutral events or offering strategies to reduce carbon emissions.

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