The University of Alberta Botanic Garden is a must-visit for lovers of gardens and beautiful things. With 80 acres of display gardens (and 110 additional acres of natural areas and ecological preserves), there’s tons to explore!
In the Tropical Plant and Butterfly Greenhouse, walk amidst a lush and magical tangle of vegetation from humid tropical environments, including beautiful orchids and climbing vines, or wander through the five-acre Kurimoto Japanese Garden, one of only a few Japanese gardens established in northern latitudes. Discover how the open stroll-style garden is designed to harmonize with the natural landforms and vegetation and feel a renewed sense of peace and serenity. Marvel at the attractive and unusual succulents in the Bromeliad Greenhouse. Gaze at the elegant Primula Dell, with its English-style herbaceous perennial beds and borders.
The garden also offers romantic picnic packages for two during the warmer months - perfect for a summer outing!