Volunteer With Us

We HEART volunteers. They are a vital part of the Urban Farm community. We welcome volunteers of all abilities and interests. Volunteers can help us in many different ways! We train and support them every step of the way!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Agent of Learning: You enjoy being around kids and are motivated to help them learn about growing food in the city!
  • Green Thumb: You love gardening and want to get your hands in the dirt. You enjoy planting, weeding, mulching, or watering.
  • Greeters and Tour Guides: You like welcoming people to the Urban Farm on summer Saturdays when we open our doors to the public! You enjoy hosting tours of the Urban Farm.

Apply to Volunteer

Apply to volunteer at the Edmonton Urban Farm by filling out the appropriate form below, or head to the Volunteer Website for more information about volunteering with Explore Edmonton.

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