2021-2023 Strategic Road Map
As interim CEO of the organization, I am proud to present Explore Edmonton Corporation’s inaugural multi-year Strategic Road Map. This Road Map sets the foundation to face our current challenges, create future opportunities and grow the economic impact of Edmonton’s visitor economy by driving real measurable results.
Explore Edmonton's Strategic Road Map determines our highest priorities for the next few years and works in tandem with our business plan. In our business plan, you will find the short-term key actions that will be driven by each business unit to achieve the results in our results map.
When the visitor economy grows, so does Edmonton!
Maggie Davison
Interim CEO, Explore Edmonton
Our Strategy

Why do we plan when we know so little about the future?
It gives us a direction to rally around; a shared idea of what we want to accomplish and what we think will help get us there. This plan allows us to respond to each wave of change that comes, knowing we have worked together to determine our highest priorities. Our annual business plan works in tandem with this longer-term strategic plan and contains our visitor growth and venue action plans that need to be resourced. Have a read, explore where you can make an impact, and join our journey to success.

We never work alone or ride solo.
We see the big picture and ensure that our role in economic development contributes to Edmonton’s success. The impact of the visitor economy and venue industry is growing in importance and we will steward its success as we work in partnership with the City of Edmonton, our stakeholders and the businesses that depend on revenues from the visitor economy.

Embarking on a journey is easier when we have a plan.
A plan gives us direction, and a shared idea of what we want to accomplish. We know where we’re going, using our purpose, mission, and vision as our anchor; we know how we are going to get there, by staying aligned with our pillars of excellence; and we know what we want to accomplish to make our journey not only successful, but also worth the trip, by ensuring our priorities keep us focused.

Our plan is the cornerstone of our business.
It informs our daily decisions and the allocation of resources noted in our annual business plan. As change is the one thing we can always count on, we are ready to evaluate and adapt to change to achieve the desired results for our Shareholder and Stakeholders. Our strategy will ensure we are nimble, responsive and competitive.