Tourism Master Plan History
The ultimate objective of the project was to assist in the prioritization of efforts and investments to address the triple bottom line: delivering on the needs of the people (visitors and residents); the planet (developing tourism experiences in a responsible, sustainable and regenerative manner); and profit (economic growth). This was done through the identification and alignment of key stakeholders, current and envisioned projects, and planning efforts for the city.
This project consisted of six phases:
- Project initiation & management: Confirm project plan and approach to stakeholder engagement.
- Baseline research: Assess the current and future state of Edmonton's visitor economy.
- Asset mapping: Identify existing assets and uncover potential gaps and opportunities.
- Stakeholder engagement: Proactively engage key stakeholders to collaboratively develop plan.
- Synthesis and analysis: Prepare a synthesis and analysis presentation of key findings.
- Strategic planning: Develop final Strategy, Implementation Plan and Monitoring & Evaluation Plan.
Community Engagement

Integral to the development of the strategy was an engagement process to help support and align the many diverse stakeholders, industry partners and private businesses who collectively comprise the tourism ecosystem in Edmonton. During the month of November 2020, Explore Edmonton engaged with a wide variety of industry partners and Edmontonians through 1:1 interviews, focus groups and surveys.
What We Heard
The Situational Analysis Report was an important milestone in the project that provided a snapshot of "where we are today" with insights collected from stakeholders and residents regarding motivating characteristics and differentiators the city offers that could shape the tourism plan implementation. Specifically, this Situational Analysis Report of Edmonton's tourism landscape includes:
- State of the global tourism industry;
- Examination of industry trends;
- 10-year forecast for Edmonton's visitor economy; and
- Examination of key challenges and opportunities that should be considered in the development of the Tourism Master Plan.
To learn more about these conversations, read the Situational Analysis Report, the Resident Survey Report and the DestinationNEXT Assessment.
Tourism Master Plan
We are proud to present Edmonton's first Tourism Master Plan.
Reach out to Melissa Radu, Executive Director, Destination Stewardship, if you would like to learn more or find out how you can be involved.
Happy reading!