Partner Spotlight: Meuwly's Artisan Food Market

Ever tried mustard infused with miso and maple syrup? At Meuwly's Artisan Food Market, they're crafting one-of-a-kind flavours like this and so much more, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Peter Keith, co-founder of Meuwly's, brings a unique flair to every dish he creates. Born and raised in Edmonton, Keith's passion for the culinary arts took root early. At just 14, he began his journey in the industry, starting with a job at Boston Pizza.

In pursuit of greater opportunities, Keith relocated to Vancouver, where the fiercely competitive culinary scene challenged him to excel. The demanding environment in Vancouver inspired him to enhance his creativity, hone his skills, and carve out a distinct culinary identity.

Alberta's agriculture sector plays a pivotal role in the province's economy, contributing significantly to the gross domestic product (GDP) and establishing itself as one of Canada's top agri-food exporters. Despite this abundance, there remains untapped potential for sourcing and producing locally, according to Keith, the founder of Meuwly's.

"Given this abundance, there's still so much potential to source and produce locally. Approaching business from this perspective sparked the creation of Meuwly's," Keith said.

However, the journey wasn't without challenges. "We faced high transportation costs, which made it difficult to use local ingredients consistently," Keith explained, reflecting on the early days of the business. "The big question was, how do you keep it local without going broke on shipping fees?"

To tackle this issue, Keith began networking with other local businesses.

"I’d call up other restaurants and say, 'Hey, you need some jars? Let’s buy this stuff in bulk and save money!' It turned into a win-win situation—cutting costs and building a network that made Meuwly's more than just a market but a culinary community in Edmonton," he added. By collaborating with others, they transformed a logistics challenge into a supportive supply network, turning Meuwly's into a hub for local food producers.

Finding the perfect spot for Meuwly's Artisan Food Market posed a unique challenge. Peter knew he wanted a place central to the community, but it needed to be both a production facility and a retail store, which is uncommon for core city areas. But, as fate would have it, when things have to work out, they just do.

Meuwly’s co-founder, Glendon Tan, a commercial property manager, had just the right space available in his building. With Tan’s resources and their unwavering dedication, they transformed the space into a unique combination of a retail market and a production facility, making Meuwly's a standout location in Edmonton.

When asked about Meuwly's “ta-da moment”, Keith said, "Food has a magical power to bring people together. People loved that they could find dishes with roots in their own cultures, making them feel loved and appreciated.”

Keith's journey is a testament to the importance of taking that first step when pursuing a dream. Faced with the challenges of launching a business, his quick decision-making and strategic planning set him apart. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started," he remarked.

Reflecting on his success, Keith shared his philosophy: "The key to my success? It's about being patient, finding the right people to work with, and treating everyone with kindness. That's the secret sauce to building strong relationships."

But Keith's story is more than just about business acumen; it's about community spirit. When wildfires devastated Jasper, Keith stepped up to help. He provided resources, offered food at Meuwly's, and even created a job portal for evacuees. His actions embody the spirit of Edmonton—a city where people always support one another in times of need.

Keith’s story is an inspiring reminder to pursue your own adventures and make a difference along the way.