Indigenous Tourism

Amiskwacîwâskahikan, also known as Edmonton, is located on Treaty 6 Territory, home to many nations including the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Sioux and Métis People.

Edmonton is lucky to boast the second largest Indigenous population in Canada, full of talented performers, artisans, musicians and entrepreneurs. The demand for Indigenous tourism is rising and we all play a role in supporting its growth. Culture belongs to the community and its people; making sure this is protected is vital for future generations. Tourism products that share culture should be developed in a way that supports the communities that it represents. Find out how you can be a part of the movement!

Treaty Acknowledgement

What is Indigenous Tourism?

How to Support Indigenous Tourism

You don't have to be an Indigenous entrepreneur to be an ally in growing Indigenous tourism. Whether it is through hiring performers, doing treaty acknowledgements or selling local artisan work in your gift shop, the opportunities are endless. Want to take it a step further? There are different ways you can incorporate Indigenous culture in your business while maintaining cultural sensitivity.

Partnering with Indigenous entrepreneurs:
Developing and delivering new or enhanced experiences together can benefit both businesses. It all starts with an idea.

Hiring Indigenous performers:
Edmonton is home to some of the most talented Indigenous performers across Turtle Island - North America.

Incorporating Indigenous art:
Include local artisan products in your shop or in thank-you gift bags at your conference. Ensure that the vendor you are buying from is Indigenous to avoid cultural appropriation.

Hosting an Elder or Knowledge Keeper:
Following the correct protocol, businesses and events can ask Elders to do a blessing during their event, or host Elders and Knowledge keepers as guest speakers or to facilitate workshops.

Additional Resources

For more information